
New York proposing a 50% rebate on E-Scooters and E-Bikes

New York proposing a 50% rebate on E-Scooters and E-Bikes

Wow, New York ain’t playing around with the transition to micromobility and greener transportation. With the earlier USA national level tax credit bill scrapped NY didn’t stop there and started to push their own state-level rebate.

What this means in practice is that the prices of electric scooters and bikes would effectively get cut in half. For example with an MSRP of $1980 the Langfeite C2 city scooter which is just perfect for the urban commuter would cost only $990 – now that would be a deal!

Word of warning though, for electric bikes the bill has defined the max power to be 750W and top speed to be 28mph (45 km/h). For electric scooters, there are no such clear limits set so it remains to be seen what kind of electric scooters would actually qualify for the rebate.

The max rebate amount is $1100 to max it out people need to buy a scooter costing $2200 or more – which really gets you a nice one!

Sign of commitment to greener transport

The proposal hasn’t passed yet but it still shows the world and local populace how committed cities can be to bettering the living environment for their inhabitants. If the proposal goes through we at Langfeite wouldn’t be surprised if it would lead to a serious boom in micromobility in the city. The rebate amount is no joke and considering you can get a great compact commuter like C3 8” for just about $640 (MSRP is $1280) it’s sure to incentivize many to switch to escooters and bikes.

Who knows maybe this will be a bigger trend in the USA and other big markets. Areas with a dense population and a lot of commuter traffic might follow the example set by New York if the rebate brings expected results. Those results are better air quality and less traffic/congestion in the streets.

This year we have already seen reports on how Paris is the leader in electric scooters and how it has gone through a micromobility revolution and taken back the streets from cars, plans of London to open the streets for private electric scooters, and now this. Let’s hope the good news keeps on coming and enjoy a cleaner future together.

Check out this cool lineup from Langfeite. Maybe the electric scooter dealers in New York can sell out these beauties to customers with a -50% rebate in the future!





C3 8”

C3 10”

Max Range

60 Km

45 Km

45 Km

60 Km






Top Speed

78 Km/h

40 Km/h

40 Km/h

55 Km/h







Ultra Powerful Electric Scooter. For commuting, off-roading, and thrills of riding

Stylish and High-Performance Urban Commuter Electric Scooter

Ultra-Compact. Excellent Range. Dual Motor Performance

Ultra-Long Range, High Performance


Who uses micromobility around the world?

Who uses micromobility around the world?

BCG (Boston Consulting Group) and the University of St. Gallen researched large metropolitan areas, in the US, Europe, China, and Japan. They found out some key details on what people use micromobility in their daily lives for and collected some quick fack bits that help us to understand the markets better. Here are some key findings:

  • 42% use micromobility for leisure, 39% for commuting, and 36% for errands.
  • 30% used micromobility many times a week or daily and 20% several times a month.
  • Wealth was a factor as well as in higher income areas people used micromobility more, but that can be also because of the lack of shared / micromobility vehicles available in low-income areas and/or outside city centers.
  • Other things related to wealth were that after 44% of respondents said the bad weather was a barrier the next biggest factor barring them to use micromobility was the high cost. 
  • Other 36% cited that a bad bike network was the problem while 34% mentioned the distance to the next available vehicle was the problem.

Why micromobility what method?

Reasons to use micromobility were: flexibility, reliability, price, weather, safety, and reduced travel time.

In France and Germany, reliability was the main reason while in the USA weather and safety were the biggest reasons. The swiss respondents mentioned flexibility as the main reason.

In the cities, bikes were still the preferred method although it might change fast as findings from other research we mentioned in our previous blog pointed out (The market shift to Europe and the winner of micromobility) – in this research, it was confirmed again that France leads Europe in e-scooter usage.

What rides is micromobility replacing?

32% of respondents used micromobility to replace riding a car but a higher percentage 55% chose to use it instead of walking and public transport. While replacing the usage of private cars is the goal of micromobility so that we can live in greener cities the replacement of rides in public transport or worse yet walking is the wrong direction. 

As we have always discussed in this blog the main goal of micromobility is to work as the last leg transport or work together with public transport – home – escooter – metro – escooter – office style. 

Still, we need to rejoice that 33% replaces riding a public car which is a big victory itself already. We are still in the early phases of micromobility as well. To create a greener world together the public will adjust and perhaps need some public awareness campaigns to help people to optimize their commuting needs.

All in all, we are clearly heading in the right direction away from fossils and private cars to more efficient, flexible, cheaper, and cleaner ways of transport.

Join Langfeite in the quest for micromobility and contact us today!


Electric Scooters and micromobility getting Federal-level support in the USA

Electric Scooters and micromobility getting Federal-level support in the USA

Electric Scooter Dealers in the USA - Contact us and get stocked!
Dealers in the USA – Contact us and get stocked!

Since the “Build back better” and “Bipartisan Infrastructure Law” – the support for micromobility in the USA has increased. The bill itself encourages investment in micromobility and alternative transport to rethink how personal transport in the cities is implemented in the future.

During the lockdowns, many major cities in the USA tried closing roads to allow more pedestrian and light vehicle traffic like escooters and bikes. By the end of 2021, NYC for example had closed down more than 100 miles of streets to vehicles in 5 boroughs. San Francisco and Philadelphia have done similar experiments as well.

The speed of escooter adaption has been fast. It’s been estimated that people took 152 million trips in 2021, an increase of 24% from the previous year. As the demand grows many cities are forming new regulations to handle the new traffic.

Laws governing escooters are still mixed all over the USA but on the Federal level, the support is clear: Micromobility is now part of a $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill. Urban transportation, getting people out of cars and reducing greenhouse gas emissions are some of the goals of the new bill.

The plan includes funding for street infrastructure, EV charging, public transport and making micromobility a great way alternative for short trips. Judging from this we can expect that the cities are going to take the convenience and safety of riding scooters to a whole another level from it has been.

While the future of passing the new bills for Infrastructure still has ways to go the message is clear. Micromobility is already a clear and important part of the solution to make our planet and environment better and there’s already plenty of will from the system to start building seriously working cities with EVs as a large part of the transportation system.

To the new world of micromobility transport

The change is clearly in the air and it’s not only the public sector that knows it too. The Electric Kick Scooter Market – As per Future Market Insights analysis, “electric kick scooter sales will nearly triple between 2021 and 2031, reaching US$ 6.5 billion in 2031 at a ten-year compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 11.5%.”

So join the ever-growing trend with Langfeite. Our electric scooter lineup and manufacturing services include escooter for all kinds of needs from basic fleets to super powerful private escooters for all-terrain off-roading like the Langfeite C1 or the perfect city commuter Langfeite C2.

Contact Us today and let’s get the best scooter to your market today!


The market shift to Europe and the winner of micromobility

The market shift to Europe and the winner of micromobility.

Excellent research from McKinsey about the current electric scooter and micromobility market gave some new exciting insights into the world of micromobility and how it has developed over the pandemic and changes in climate/city policies. 

1. Europe is taking the lead in Micromobility investment.

Streets of Europe are changing

According to the report, the share of micromobility investment in Europe in 2018-19 was 12% of the global investments. Now in 2020-22 it has jumped to a whopping 49% leaving behind the USA with 42% and Asia with just a 10% share.

This is very interesting news but as followers of this blog might have noticed the big cities in Europe are going through a big change. The UK is making private electric scooters legal and one of the drivers has been reducing pollution in London. The city is somewhat infamous for its congestion fees and tough traffic for cars, not to mention there are also Ultra-Low emission zones and other ways that are all aimed to make the city a cleaner place to live.

In another European city Paris, the whole city has gone through a shift to bicycle lanes from the domination of cars. This has also increased the amount of electric scooter traffic considerably, the reason there was to reclaim the city from cars that dominated the streets and the local populace is loving it. Not only did it let people use bikes safely and enjoy their city in a new way it also decreased the pollution and brought the same benefits as it did in London.

From a business perspective, the local investors have clearly seen that the political and population’s will has turned to micromobility, and hence investing in that area has increased at the same speed as the cities have changed. 

2. Micromobility investor money goes to Electric Scooters

Another interesting find is that even though many European cities are famous for their bikes the real winner of micromobility hasn’t been Electric Bikes but E-Scooters (kick scooter models).

Perhaps due to the fact that electric scooter fleets are relatively easier to manage and the size is more transportable, the investors are going for this mode of transport. Anyone knows some electric scooter sharing companies in their city but many places don’t have any shared e-bike services.

In 2018-19 number one spot was held by e-bikes with 59% of the market share whereas e-scooters had just about 39% leaving mopes far behind at 1%.

In 2020-22 e-scooters have taken over completely taking 89% of the market share. E-Bikes have 9% and mopeds have increased to 3%

This is a huge shift. Looking at these figures it’s pretty clear that electric scooters have emerged as winners of the micromobility shift. They clearly offer many benefits be it shared or privately owned. Most of the needs of commuters can be fulfilled by electric scooters and there’s no need to have a full-fledged e-bike. Actually, for city dwellers, the compact size and possibility of easy storage are important points that make the choice of escooter a no brainers

Join Langfeite in the micromobility revolution and contact us today for a quotation!


How much money do electric scooters actually save?

How much money do electric scooters actually save?


In these days of rising energy prices and especially oil prices many have turned their heads to micro-mobility and EVs. Electric scooters are the ones that are getting a lot of traction, especially for people commuting in the city.

The question you might ask is: Does it actually save that much? Let’s take a look at pure math to see how much would you save riding a Langfeite C2 city scooter compared to a car in the USA right now.

The calculations

The whole format is actually quite straightforward for calculating how much it costs to use an escooter. Let’s just take a look at how much the energy electricity vs gas costs to do the same distance on a scooter and on a car.

Other than distance we can compare escooters to public transport and depreciation costs. Let’s start!

Cost of using the Langfeite C2 electric scooter.

The range of the C2 is 45 KM or 28 miles. This is done with a battery 48V battery which has the capacity of 15.6 Ah which means that its capacity is wattage hours is about 750W (48V x 15.6Ah) or 0.75 kWh

Now before the energy crisis, the price of 1 kWh was $0.13 so the price to charge C2 would be ($0.13×0.75kWh) just about 9 cents.

9 cents for 28 miles! Even as the energy prices have soared by August 2022 and in New York the average kWh price is $0.18 which is still just barely 14 cents per charge. Now you could say that charging isn’t 1:1 efficiency it’s still pretty safe to say that no matter how you look at it you can pretty much charge your C2 scooter for 20 cents almost anywhere in the USA.

Result: $0.007 / mile worst case. If you commute to work and ride about 5 miles 20 times a month your monthly fees will be about $0.7, which means it’s practically free.

(Price source: https://www.electricchoice.com/electricity-prices-by-state/)

Costs of riding a car

Now just comparing full electric vehicle to a gas car isn’t probably fair these days as more and more cars are hybrids and taking advantage of the electric motor as well. So let’s take a look at a pretty well-known economical hybrid: Toyota Prius Eco Hybrid which has combined miles-per-gallon rating of 56mpg.

Now the price of a gallon in the USA is now $4.163 (8/3/22) so from there we can see that riding a Prius would cost you $0.074 / mile in combined use. That’s more than 10x the price of the worst-case escooter price per mile!

Other fees

Now you could argue that the 10X price per mile is still something you can take but then again it doesn’t include the additional fees that commuting with a car takes. Maintenance, parking pass, insurance, depreciation, upfront costs. All in all the AAA says owning a new car costs about $805 / month. That’s where their biggest saving comes from. 

Public transport

Looking at the monthly fees is pretty easy as most cities have a public transport card. If you know the price in your city that’s your number and how much you save with a scooter. For example, in NYC the transport card is $127 / month.

The results

Well, there you have it. Electric scooter 70 cents vs car $812 vs public $127 / month. Not to mention that riding electric scooters is super fun and really makes your commute more fun. 

We also didn’t even take into account accidents, extra parking fees, having to have a parking space, etc. To be fair we didn’t calculate the maintenance fees of electric scooters but those are also minuscule compared to a car, you can basically buy a new escooter almost every month with the price of using a car, or if you need some maintenance the monthly price of a transport card is going to take you pretty far.

So are you convinced that micromobility is the way forwards? If you want to join the electric scooter boom and start selling the best escooters on the planet contact Langfeite today!


Welcome to Langfeite Electric Scooter Factory – Made in China for US, EU, and Global Markets

Welcome to Langfeite Electric Scooter Factory – Made in China for US, EU, and Global Markets​


Choosing the right electric scooter supplier and partner for your electric scooter dealership can be difficult. There are many manufacturers in the markets these days so you need to analyze and plan what are your special needs and expectations for a supplier. You will want quality, excellent pricing, customer service, and logistics.

Excellent products and customer service

Langfeite’s electric scooters are of top quality so you could even say that the relationship with the manufacturing plant and your dealership is just transactional but Langfeite doesn’t leave it at that. We put a great emphasis on building trust for a continuous business relationship. This is why we are always more than happy to provide not only great customer service leading up to your order but also support your aftersale needs to your customers.

Great logistics support to ensure your shelves won’t go empty is also our forte. Having exported electric scooters for years we have a good understanding and working relationship with many logistics providers in China shipping to the USA, EU, and other global markets.

How to choose the right supplier?

The above points are important but just promising great service and products is easy, to walk the talk is harder. To give you more confidence in the quality of our service please take a look at the Factory introduction video below to see how one of our factories in Shanghai operates.

For more information about all the tests we make check out our earlier blog: “How does Langfeite manufacturing test electric scooters?

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Feeling convinced yet?

Let’s tackle the electric scooter boom together. Contact Langfeite today and let’s get your dealership stocked with Premium Electric Scooters that are going to awe your customers.


Micromobility, bicycles, and the transformation of Paris traffic

Micromobility and the transformation of Paris traffic

Micromobility and the transformation of Paris traffic

Paris has been going through a significant transformation in its transportation segments. It’s been a somewhat take back the streets moment that changed the whole city into a giant bicycle wonderland similar to Amsterdam.

Bike lane in Paris

Their Mayor Hidalgo has become famous for pushing initiatives to reduce car usage on the streets of Paris and give more way for cycling and pedestrian traffic. The government has made a pledge to make the city 100% cyclable by 2026 and with the speed of the current transformation, it seems that this is certainly possible.

These days even during rush hour times you can see many people riding bicycles, e-bikes, and escooters on famous and busy streets like Rue de Rivoli and even Champs-Élysées. Somehow, the number of people on light transportation has made the streets feel much more lively.

How did this happen was through political leadership that people supported. Now many of the streets have a wide cycling lane and the flow of traffic works really well, especially when this transformation has been so fast as it’s all been done in the past few years.

There is also some other infrastructure such as bike lane user counters and way finders to help the cyclists and provide more information on the usage of the bike lanes. Perhaps for the city to estimate the actual needs of the city’s population.

It seems that it’s also not just all for bicycles. The city is transforming some areas from car lanes to full-on parks, especially close to the Seine river. All in all the city is becoming a more human, green, and healthier place for people to live in.

It’s notable that even the business sector has noticed the change and adapted to use more cyclist couriers and lighter vehicles in their logistics and transport needs when possible. 

This is especially the kind of transformation we have been talking about in our earlier blogs. From the time when trams were removed from some American cities from the way of cars now, it’s the turn of the cars to make way for the new ways of transport that people need. 

Bright future for micromobility and city life.

Cities are going to keep evolving and this time aided by the micromobility and change in the kind of work and lifestyle the people have these days. If you look at the population in cities most of them don’t need a car for their daily use. Moving to lighter transport like Paris has it seems that people wholeheartedly support it as it hasn’t just made the transport more convenient but made the whole city a more comfortable place to live in.

Paris is an electric scooter city

When you look at the new bike lanes of Paris you’ll be quick to notice the number of electric scooters riding along the cities, there are even some electric unicycles in the mix. At Europe’s level, Paris might be one of the most advanced in the adoption of escooter usage in the city. Perhaps this is due to the escooter boom happening at the same time as the city was transforming.

In any case, it’s a great time to be an electric scooter dealer in Paris and from the lessons learned there, the other European cities are bound to follow this trend. If want to be part of this change contact Langfeite today and get the best electric scooters into your city!


Electric Scooter Wholesale

Langfeite Electric Scooter Wholesale

Electric Scooter Wholesale

Langfeite designs and manufactures electric scooters for wholesale. Our own lineup of models (currently C-series) consists of electric scooters made for commuting and off-roading. Ranging from great dual motor city scooters to high-powered C1 off-road beast capable of high speeds and smooth rides even on rough terrains.

For Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price MSRP and more details please refer to the product pages.

Langfeite C1 Ultra Powerful Electric Scooter for commuting, off-roading, and thrills of riding.

Specs: 60 Km range – 2x1200W Dual motor – Top Speed 78 Km/h 

Langfeite C2 Stylish and High-Performance Urban Commuter Electric Scooter.

Specs: 45 Km range – 2x800W Dual motor – Top Speed 40 Km/h 

Langfeite C3 10″ Ultra-Long Range, High Performance.

Specs: 60Km range – 2x1000W Dual motor – Top Speed 55 Km/h 

Langfeite C3 8″Ultra-Compact. Excellent Range. Dual Motor Performance.

Specs: 45Km range – 2x600W Dual motor – Top Speed 40 Km/h 


OEM and Custom Electric Scooter Supplier

Our offer is not limited to only our own pre-designed range of escooters but we manufacture and design bulk orders of scooters for numerous different cases and markets. All kinds of models are possible, single/dual motor, kids to adult use, city, off-road, warehouse, logistics, factory floor, electric scooter fleets, and more. 

For all kinds of electric scooter needs just contact us and we can design and manufacture the right model for you according to the specs you need.

Bulk order electric scooter manufacturing

We are ready to handle all sizes of orders and our own factories in China provide excellent quality assurance, supply chain management, and prompt manufacturing so that you can be assured that your inventory and products reach your market at the right time. Our electric scooter design team is also able to customize the products so that they match the legal requirements of your target markets such as motor power, top speed, brakes, and so on.

Trusted and Experienced Electric Scooter Distributor and Supplier

We have a professional service team that can help you with your logistics and importing needs. Langfeite has already been exporting our products to markets all over the world and we have lots of experience dealing with the USA, Europe, the UK, SEA and Oceanian and South American markets.

Langfeite Electric Scooter Factory Tour

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Electric scooter laws in Europe 2022

Electric scooter laws in Europe 2022

C2 can be customized to local needs

Electric scooter laws in Europe 2022

Just past week Estonia decided to enforce its regulations and remove the overpowered scooters that break their current regulations from the streets. As a European Union country, you might expect that all the laws and regulations are the same in member countries, but that’s not the case; individual countries have their own set of regulations and laws.

Sometimes EU laws will also collide with the local laws leaving some vehicles in a weird area where one of governing entities EU vs Local end up banning the vehicle. Case in point the local Estonian law would treat the overpowered electric scooters as motor vehicles that need registration and license to operate which sounds simple, just get those and you are good. 

The thing is that the EU law governing motor vehicles requires the vehicle to have at least a seat to identify the vehicle as a motor vehicle. This law actually describes motorbikes but for electric scooters without a seat, it means that the EU doesn’t see is as motor vehicles so they can’t be registered and thus in the local law you can’t get a license for it since it’s not a motor vehicle by EU

Know the local regulations for electric scooters in the European Union countries.

When building your escooter fleet or ordering wholesale scooters for your local market you should know the local laws and regulations so your customers can enjoy their new rides freely. Let’s take a look at some of the countries we know of the situation.

European electric scooter laws by country

Disclaimer: The laws and regulations are in constant change and these regulations are collected from public sources. Langfeite takes no responsibility for the correctness of these rules. Please check your local authorities for the current laws and future developments.


  • Recognizes Electric Scooters
  • No license needed
  • 12yo need to be supervised by at least 16yo person
  • Max speed 25km/h and 600W


  • Electric Scooters are moving devices
  • No age limit
  • No license, registration or insurance needed
  • 5 km/h+ speed must use bike lane instead of walkways


  • Recognizes Electric Scooters
  • Age limit 15yo
  • No license needed
  • Registration needed
  • Max speed 20km/h
  • Public roads and bike lanes


  • Electric Scooters 1000W 20km/h are lightweight electric vehicles (LEV)
  • Electric Scooters <15km/h are pedestrian-assisted device
  • No license or registration needed
  • No driving on pavement


  • Electric Scooters are personal motorized travel devices
  • No license needed
  • Insurance required
  • Age limit 12yo
  • No driving on pavement


  • Electric Scooters are lightweight electric micro mobiles meant for personal use
  • Insurance required
  • No registration needed
  • Age limit 14yo
  • Max speed 20km/h
  • No driving on walkways


  • Complicated – laws in making but 5/2022 situation/proposal:
  • Electric Scooters are micromobility devices
  • Max speed 25km/h
  • Max power 350W
  • Maybe need a license?
  • Only some areas are allowed/regulated


  • Max power 500W
  • Top speeds. Pedestrian area 6km/h, cycle lanes 20km/h and 30km/h public roads with
  • On public roads need to use highly visible clothing and reflectors


  • Electric Scooters are motorized bicycles (kinda)
  • Max power 1000W
  • Max speed 25km/h
  • Pedestrian area top speed 3-7 km/h (walking speed)
  • No license or insurance needed
  • Under 18yo must wear a helmet.


  • Electric Scooters are bicycles (kinda)
  • Max power 500W
  • Max speed 25km/h
  • Age limit 13yo+
  • Public roads only
  • No license, registration or insurance needed


  • Age limit 16yo
  • License required
  • Insurance required
  • Max speed 20km/h on roads
  • Max speed 10km/h on pavements, bike lanes, footpaths etc.
  • Use highly visible clothing and reflectors


  • Max speed 25km/h
  • Age limit 16yo
  • Compulsory insurance
  • Bike paths only


  • Not allowed


  • Treated as bikes
  • Mandatory helmet
  • Same speed limits as bikes
  • No pedestrian crossings


  • Laws still under development (drafted in 2019)


  • Electric Scooters are non-motorized vehicles
  • Treated as bikes
  • Public roads
  • Age limit 15yo


  • Electric Scooters are special vehicles
  • Max speed 5km/h
  • Pedestrian crossings, pavements, bicycle paths and underground areas.


  • Electric Scooters are similar but not electric bikes or bicycles
  • No age limit officially but some districts have 16+. 
  • Under 16yo must wear a helmet
  • No license needed


  • Max power 250W
  • Max speed 20km/h
  • Can ride anywhere at a walking speed
  • No license needed

United Kingdom

Langfeite electric scooter manufacturing and wholesale

There you go, as you can see many countries differ on almost all main aspects of the laws what are escooters classified as? Age limits? Insurance, registration and license? Top speeds and max powers.

All in all the markets are still maturing and all these laws are subject to change. Whatever the case Langfeite can meet the requirements of each country. In addition, the C-line of scooters can be modified to comply with the requirements (different motors, speed limiters, etc.) or we can make a whole new design for you.

In any case, be it any European country contact Langfeite for your electric scooter supplier, wholesale, and manufacturing needs. 


More pressure to cut CO2 emissions in Europe. Could micromobility be the solution?

More pressure to cut CO2 emissions in Europe. Could micromobility be the solution?

For the first time in 19 years the CO2 emissions of Europe’s transport rise by over 5% reported by a recent analysis by the EEA (European Environment Agency). The source of the greenhouse gasses is said to be the passenger cars and heavy goods vehicles which are in line with the growth of transport volumes in Europe.

In the EU the increase in CO2 emission was 5.8% for passenger cars and 5.5% for heavy goods vehicles – this happened even as the fuel efficiency and grown usage of biofuels. Some of the solutions mentioned by the EEA report mention Electric Vehicles and the important role they will play in the future to decrease emissions. 

As expected the issue with heavy cargo trucks causing lots of emissions is hard to solve with current Electric Vehicle technology but more can be done with the normal passenger cars to make them electric, more efficient and reduce the need for it altogether.

Considering the findings we at Langfeite are not that surprised about the rise in emissions by the transport industry as the volumes on the road are ever-increasing. For passenger transport, the industry has barely started, laws, and regulations are not yet done and it was only about two decades ago when Tesla launched their first electric car. There are still a lot of things that need to be done to transform the transport methods used by the public change. Through the innovations in consumer technology, we can find more efficient ways and new tech to then support the transition of the transport industry. 

The pressure is still there though. All the countries signing the Paris climate accord have ambitious goals of reducing their emissions and the area of optimizing public and private citizen level transport can be seen to be the easiest one. 

“To support the overall climate neutrality target, the EU goal is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from transport by 90% by 2050, compared with 1990 levels.” – leva-eu.com

CO2 emissions from traffic remains on the rise

Micromobility to the rescue

As you may know, new solutions are popping out all the time, electric scooters, seater scooters, riding scooters, half e-bike / e-mopeds, e-motorbikes, mono wheels, etc.

Considering the simplicity of the technology one could say that inventing the motor-integrated wheel was like inventing the first wheel again. The practical uses are endless battery, motored wheel and controller are the mandatory parts that can easily be integrated to almost any kinds of chassis one could imagine. 

We are not limited to motor – belt – wheel build anymore. Most EVs from cars to scooters utilize this one wheel – one motor system. We at Langfeite are proud of our electric scooter lineup but we have also manufactured other kinds of EVs as well like “light electric moped and scooter” EU/France category vehicles which are small moped size bikes in essence. Mobility scooters for the elderly are also possibilities to manufacture.

All these micromobility solutions we have today and what are still to come are -in our opinion- the right way to tackle the challenge as one solution for all is not going to be the right approach for every situation. For many city/urban citizens all they need can be a scooter in tandem with using the public transportation like the metro and countryside and suburban areas will benefit from vehicles with various carrying and off-roading capabilities.

That’s why on our pages we tell our customers to contact us directly even if you have your own design which you wish to manufacture. Our team of experts can help you to build it and finish it if you need. 

So future EV inventors and existing dealers who want to add some superb Langfeite scooters to their offering contact us today and let’s help to pave the way for greener earth together!