
Micromobility and the transformation of Paris traffic

Micromobility and the transformation of Paris traffic

Paris has been going through a significant transformation in its transportation segments. It’s been a somewhat take back the streets moment that changed the whole city into a giant bicycle wonderland similar to Amsterdam.

Bike lane in Paris

Their Mayor Hidalgo has become famous for pushing initiatives to reduce car usage on the streets of Paris and give more way for cycling and pedestrian traffic. The government has made a pledge to make the city 100% cyclable by 2026 and with the speed of the current transformation, it seems that this is certainly possible.

These days even during rush hour times you can see many people riding bicycles, e-bikes, and escooters on famous and busy streets like Rue de Rivoli and even Champs-Élysées. Somehow, the number of people on light transportation has made the streets feel much more lively.

How did this happen was through political leadership that people supported. Now many of the streets have a wide cycling lane and the flow of traffic works really well, especially when this transformation has been so fast as it’s all been done in the past few years.

There is also some other infrastructure such as bike lane user counters and way finders to help the cyclists and provide more information on the usage of the bike lanes. Perhaps for the city to estimate the actual needs of the city’s population.

It seems that it’s also not just all for bicycles. The city is transforming some areas from car lanes to full-on parks, especially close to the Seine river. All in all the city is becoming a more human, green, and healthier place for people to live in.

It’s notable that even the business sector has noticed the change and adapted to use more cyclist couriers and lighter vehicles in their logistics and transport needs when possible. 

This is especially the kind of transformation we have been talking about in our earlier blogs. From the time when trams were removed from some American cities from the way of cars now, it’s the turn of the cars to make way for the new ways of transport that people need. 

Bright future for micromobility and city life.

Cities are going to keep evolving and this time aided by the micromobility and change in the kind of work and lifestyle the people have these days. If you look at the population in cities most of them don’t need a car for their daily use. Moving to lighter transport like Paris has it seems that people wholeheartedly support it as it hasn’t just made the transport more convenient but made the whole city a more comfortable place to live in.

Paris is an electric scooter city

When you look at the new bike lanes of Paris you’ll be quick to notice the number of electric scooters riding along the cities, there are even some electric unicycles in the mix. At Europe’s level, Paris might be one of the most advanced in the adoption of escooter usage in the city. Perhaps this is due to the escooter boom happening at the same time as the city was transforming.

In any case, it’s a great time to be an electric scooter dealer in Paris and from the lessons learned there, the other European cities are bound to follow this trend. If want to be part of this change contact Langfeite today and get the best electric scooters into your city!