
More pressure to cut CO2 emissions in Europe. Could micromobility be the solution?

For the first time in 19 years the CO2 emissions of Europe’s transport rise by over 5% reported by a recent analysis by the EEA (European Environment Agency). The source of the greenhouse gasses is said to be the passenger cars and heavy goods vehicles which are in line with the growth of transport volumes in Europe.

In the EU the increase in CO2 emission was 5.8% for passenger cars and 5.5% for heavy goods vehicles – this happened even as the fuel efficiency and grown usage of biofuels. Some of the solutions mentioned by the EEA report mention Electric Vehicles and the important role they will play in the future to decrease emissions. 

As expected the issue with heavy cargo trucks causing lots of emissions is hard to solve with current Electric Vehicle technology but more can be done with the normal passenger cars to make them electric, more efficient and reduce the need for it altogether.

Considering the findings we at Langfeite are not that surprised about the rise in emissions by the transport industry as the volumes on the road are ever-increasing. For passenger transport, the industry has barely started, laws, and regulations are not yet done and it was only about two decades ago when Tesla launched their first electric car. There are still a lot of things that need to be done to transform the transport methods used by the public change. Through the innovations in consumer technology, we can find more efficient ways and new tech to then support the transition of the transport industry. 

The pressure is still there though. All the countries signing the Paris climate accord have ambitious goals of reducing their emissions and the area of optimizing public and private citizen level transport can be seen to be the easiest one. 

“To support the overall climate neutrality target, the EU goal is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from transport by 90% by 2050, compared with 1990 levels.” – leva-eu.com

CO2 emissions from traffic remains on the rise

Micromobility to the rescue

As you may know, new solutions are popping out all the time, electric scooters, seater scooters, riding scooters, half e-bike / e-mopeds, e-motorbikes, mono wheels, etc.

Considering the simplicity of the technology one could say that inventing the motor-integrated wheel was like inventing the first wheel again. The practical uses are endless battery, motored wheel and controller are the mandatory parts that can easily be integrated to almost any kinds of chassis one could imagine. 

We are not limited to motor – belt – wheel build anymore. Most EVs from cars to scooters utilize this one wheel – one motor system. We at Langfeite are proud of our electric scooter lineup but we have also manufactured other kinds of EVs as well like “light electric moped and scooter” EU/France category vehicles which are small moped size bikes in essence. Mobility scooters for the elderly are also possibilities to manufacture.

All these micromobility solutions we have today and what are still to come are -in our opinion- the right way to tackle the challenge as one solution for all is not going to be the right approach for every situation. For many city/urban citizens all they need can be a scooter in tandem with using the public transportation like the metro and countryside and suburban areas will benefit from vehicles with various carrying and off-roading capabilities.

That’s why on our pages we tell our customers to contact us directly even if you have your own design which you wish to manufacture. Our team of experts can help you to build it and finish it if you need. 

So future EV inventors and existing dealers who want to add some superb Langfeite scooters to their offering contact us today and let’s help to pave the way for greener earth together!