
LANGFEITE EXPLORES | Russia’s Electric Scooter Sales Increased by 43% in Q1.

In the first quarter of 2023, Langfeite electric scooters emerged as a significant player in the Russian market, contributing to the 43% year-on-year increase in sales, totaling 24.5 thousand devices, valued at 575 million rubles, according to estimates from distributors. Despite the dominance of the Chinese brand Kugoo as the market leader, Langfeite’s presence has steadily grown, showcasing its commitment to technical advancements, safety, and durability.

Artur Makhalyuk, an analyst from the GC “F+ tech-Marvel,” highlighted that Kugoo’s market share has decreased to 21.9%, making room for Langfeite and other brands like Hiper, with a 13.9% share, and Ninebot, with 12.6% of the market.

As the electric scooter market flourishes, Pavel Zemskov, the product category manager at the “M.Video-Eldorado” group, emphasized the rapid development in technical features, safety standards, and overall durability among electric scooter offerings this year.

During the first quarter, electric scooters accounted for around 85% of the electric transport sales, followed by electric bicycles at 10%, and gyroscuters and monowheels making up the remaining 5%. The market anticipates further growth in the coming quarters, driven by seasonal demand and the increasing popularity of eco-friendly transportation options like Langfeite electric scooters.


What Kind of Scooter Tires Are Best?

What Kind of Scooter Tires Are Best?

What Kind of Scooter Tires Are Best?

When building a scooter you will need to think about what kind of tires are the most suitable for the intended use case and budget. Three common areas you need to take a look at are the tubing, surfacing, and size. Here’s an explanation about how these three different factors influence your ride and what use-cases they have.

Solid, Tubed, or Tubeless tires for escooters

The wheel-type is often the first thing that your customers see in technical specs and discuss as the choice affects the ride experience a lot as well as maintenance needed.

Solid Tires – cost-effective and maintenance-free.

As the name suggests solid tires are made of solid material like rubber or silicone. As they are solid there is no fear of punctures and the wheels are practically maintenance-free, manufacturing is also easy. These are the main reasons why shared scooters and entry-level scooters typically use solid tires. They do have some downsides too – because they are solid they don’t absorb bumps well making the ride harder. The traction is also decreased as the solid tires don’t have the same amount of contact with the surface of the road as pneumatic tires have.

For riding at slower speeds like < 30 km/h (20 mp/h) or under these kinds of tires are still a completely fine option, thus being the tire of choice for the shared commuter scooters.

Tubed Tires – Smoother ride with more maintenance

Tubed tires are pneumatic tires that hold the air inside an inner tube and the surface contact comes from the outer tires. These are the one

s that can be found in traditional bicycles and they have basically the same benefits and downsides in scooters as in bikes. 

The ride is smoother since the air can cushion the bumps from the road. They also have a larger contact area with the road making the traction much better than the solid tires can have. This combination means that the ride is smooth and the traction is much better so you won’t slip easily with these tires. The downside is that tubed tires are the most prone to punctures out of all three options. Then again they are pretty easy to fix as well as bicycle owners know.

Tubeless tires – Smooth ride, fast speed, and less maintenance

Tubeless tires are the common choice of practically all premium-level electric scooters. They have the same benefits as the tubed tires but they are much more puncture resistant. This is basically the reason why they are the choice also in cars and motorbikes. The maintenance they need is the same as well, meaning you need to keep eye on the tire pressure from time to time.

Nubbed tires, Slick tires, Semi-slick

Semi-Slick Tubeless tires of C2
Semi-Slick Tubeless tires of C2

Here the choice is relatively simple. Slick tires offer absolutely the best

 traction on smooth and dry roads. Hence they are used by Formula 1 cars and other high-speed vehicles that are ridden in race tracks. In real life, these kinds of tires are pretty useless though. Completely slick tires need a completely clean road, some dirt, or worst case – water, make the tires very slippery and you can lose traction completely.

Semi-slick then is the solution to the traction problem of the full slick tire. By introducing some grooves that can move the water away and help the tire to dick into the dirt better you can still get excellent traction and all its’ benefits while being relatively safe from the elements. Basically, there is the best choice for scooters used in the cities and suburbs.

Now then, if you want to do serious off-roading and ride on all kinds of loose surfaces the choice is clear you need nubbed tires. They dig to dirt and gravel roads with no problems and provide traction that no other type of wheel can offer. They can be a bit bumpy on smooth tarmac roads though so if you are a city rider the semi-slick is probably the best choice for you.

Wheel Size matters

C1 Nubbed Tires
C1’s 11″ Tubeless Nubbed Tires are perfect for Off-Roading

The size of the tire is related to the same issues as nubbed/slick tires. Off-roading is easier with larger tires as the bigger the wheel is the less they care about bumps and potholes on the road. For city usage, this can be nice but not as necessary as you ride on the tarmac. That’s why electric scooters for urban environments typically come with smaller wheels as the roads are better and they take less space making the scooters more portable.

These are also the reasons why Langfeite C3 comes in an 8” Semi-slick version for suburban roads and a 10” nubbed version for Off-roading. Big brothers C2 for the city is also semi-slick 8” and C1 which is a beast for off-roading with whopping 11” nubbed tires. Nothing stops you from changing the tire types for your needs though so if you want to take your C1 to tracks you can change your tires for even full slick ones if you so wish.

Langfeite manufacturers electric scooters with any type of tires you need.

If your dealership wishes to build your own scooter or just choose from our selection we can help you design and manufacture scooters with any kind of wheel type you wish. Contact Langfeite today and build your dealership a full fleet of urban and off-road electric scooters!


Rising energy prices are accelerating the move to EVs

Rising energy prices are accelerating the move to EVs

The new energy crisis with coal and oil has led to the situation where also oil prices keep on getting higher.  Now consumers are starting to look at electric scooters and micro-mobility as a viable alternative because of economical reasons too.

Citizens of two wheel dominated cities compelled to buy electric scooters, bikes and mopeds.

Recently in India – as Bloomberg reports – millions of millions of two-wheeled transportation users are feeling the sting on the price of gasoline that’s powering up their motorbikes. Recent price hikes have led to a situation where a 100km trip would cost just 1/5th of an electricity-powered scooter than on a traditional gas-powered one. Naturally, this makes people think twice when they are planning to buy new transportation for themselves. 

Considering the recently ending climate conference in Glasgow and the targets that countries set to themselves it seems that these rising energy prices might come with a silver lining. To reach the targets people need to start switching the greener methods of transportation quicker and one of the traditional methods to make this happen has been tax deductions and other benefits offered. Now the high usage prices of gas-powered vehicles will motivate people to choose an electric one. As people start to use and demand electric vehicles more one of the last hurdles of e-mobility – charging networks – will start to develop more rapidly as well.

As people have more places to charge their EVs even longer trips become viable, be it car, moped, or electric scooter. Those kilometers made with electricity instead of gas also mean less pollution. This translates to large savings in carbon emission but also into greener cities.

Large metropolises of the world have always suffered from bad air quality due to the heavy traffic. In countries like India, most of the travel is done using a motorbike which contributes to the air quality issue that many of its beautiful cities suffer from. Many western cities can also benefit and think about their transportation strategy again as well. Cities like London where they have introduced a congestion charge on cars can rethink what kind of vehicles they let enter at all and what kind of transport they want to steer the public to adopt.

The right time to ride the wave

C1 is presenting the premium range of e- scooters from Langfeite

Truly it seems that the path to the new era of greener transport is getting more and more clear by the combination of public acceptance, demand, cost, environment, and convenience. The e-train is speeding up and now it’s the time to catch the wave.

If you are interested in getting to “ride’ the wave with your own escooter fleet or want to help people by giving access to convenient and green travel then please don’t hesitate to contact Langfeite. Our products offer premium quality and our services include marketing, sales, and logistics support.

Don’t hesitate and contact Langfeite today!


Electric Scooters are taking over University Campuses

Electric Scooters are taking over University Campuses

In the last week’s blog, we discussed how the warehouses have put electric scooters to use by using them to get people quickly around those whole halls and even move packages by using attachable carts but the story doesn’t end there. Recently more and more areas of life are seeing the benefits of having a quick, easy, intuitive and less space taking transport methods than even bikes. 

University students love escooters

Everyone remembers the special bicycle and car parking spaces reserved in their schools and colleges that had to be set aside to not be in the way. You couldn’t leave your bike just anywhere.

Well, now many University Campuses are being taken by storm with escooters. Campuses are also seeing the benefits with the students’ new choice of transport since electric scooters don’t take much space and can even be folded to store.

We at Langfeite can understand why students love escooters. Those huge campus areas can be tricky if you have a class at the opposite end of the campus. You don’t want to keep your Professor waiting so better hop on to that escooter.

Campuses for ridesharing or owning your own?

Many students also opt to get their own escooter as campuses are not that happy with the ride-sharing models as those need to be managed and charged by companies themselves instead of students themselves. The usual collection by trucks and taking to designated charging sites during the night is a hassle when it’s a campus area that’s supposed to be mostly open just for students. 

Still, the model is still evolving and universities are starting to resolve issues related to escooters after some 2-year pilots have ended in the US universities.

Currently, the solutions are aiming to increase charging stations, decrease clutters by using forced-parking areas, and give free helmets for students. Most likely the in-campus traffic is going to look like a miniature version of what the cities are adopting now except smaller fleets of rental scooters and more private ones. After all the campus areas are mostly free from cars and other vehicles so the usability of electric scooters gets to a whole different level.

In recent news from the University of Arkansas students expressed how escooters were an important and convenient way for them to zoom around campus to go meet their friends and get to classes in time. And the Students of Martel College had similar experiences from escooters.

Ride the Wave of Escooter Boom

We here at Langfeite believe that we will see more and more areas and use cases for escooters in the future and the current trend of escooters is just the beginning. If you want to ride the wave of the escooter boom contact Langfeite today!


How are eScooters used by Owners and Renters?

How are eScooters used by Owners and Renters?

As more and more cities are launching electric scooter pilots at the same time more people have chosen to get their own usually better quality scooters too but how does owning an escooter change the way people use their scooters?

Recent studies in Europe and USA have a surprising answer

According to this recent study done in Vienna the first and natural finding is that people who own their electric scooters use them much more often than those who use shared escooters.

The use cases themselves can be more surprising. Many people assume that electric scooters are for commuting to work and some short errands but actually according to the Viennese study a big part of use cases is for just leisure / Joy-rides. This is supported by an American study made by Electrek that found out that the purposes of electric scooter riders are:

  • 34.3% Joy Riding
  • 23.4% Running errands
  • 19.4% Commuting
  • 12.6% Visiting Someone
  • 8.6% Work/Break Lunch
  • 1.7% Other

Basically looking at the top 2 use cases people see it as a fun transport that’s great to take out for some joyriding and to pop off to go shopping and running other errands with. This study was even done by interviewing people who use the shared scooters so the ratios can be expected to be even higher for joyriders when you survey people who own their scooters.

In the Viennese study, it was found that more than 80% of Shared escooter users surveyed seldom or never would have taken trips with an escooter that they would have not otherwise taken. For the Owners, this number was just a bit over 50%.

Actually the share of owners who answered “often” was around 18% this and “always or often” was only about 8% for Shared scooter renters.

Other areas surveyed were “Leisure”, “Shopping/Errands” and “work/education”. In all cases, people who owned their scooters vs shared ones used their scooter to replace foot, bike, bus, tramway, subway, and car transport much more often. You can see the exact results from here.

The Results are in.

It’s hence pretty clear that owning your own escooter translates to using it more, and there’s no need to base your decision to get your own just on the “it’s great for commute” point which is true but you can be honest and just plain say they are FUN!

The future of escooters looks bright! Get your dealership stocked or let us help to build your own fleet. Contact Langfeite today!


Efficient Warehouses use Electric Scooters to get around

Efficient Warehouses use Electric Scooters to get around

These days the acceptance of electric scooters for public use in cities around the world is quickly accelerating but are escooters only meant for commuting or do they have other uses.

Since the escooters have become more commonplace around our cities people who have learned to use them with ease are now finding other ways to take advantage of the other possibilities of scooters.

Quick and easy way to get around your warehouse.

Recently many warehouse businesses have started to use escooters to get around the premises which have already been reported in increasing the efficiency of the warehouse and logistics processes. In a large factory, you can quickly save a lot from just the daily walking times used and some have reported even over 1 hour a day time saving from using the escooter instead of walking all over the warehouse floor.

Moreover, escooters can also help the warehouse personnel to move some lighter equipment if they have a front basket or even special attachable read carriages.

Riding an escooter around closes premises like warehouses is actually very easy thanks to their compact size. That’s one of the reasons you often see airport workers riding escooters and older kick scooters inside the terminals.

Choose the right model

Factories can also build efficient fleets according to their needs thanks to the long ranges the modern scooters have. In most cases, it can be expected that the battery lasts for the whole workday with a single charge. Designated charging times and areas used overnight to make them trivial to manage.

Other than the battery another important factor is the chosen model for factory use. Thanks to the flat and even factory floors it is very easy to use the 3 wheeled versions of electric scooters as you can quickly get off of them and the scooter stay upwards ready to go – no need to park it against a wall or use the kickstand. Get off and Get on instantly.

Depending on your needs you can check what kind of wheels are the best for your use case. Warehouse floors are even and flat but recently shipping docks and even military bases have started to use escooters to get around the whole area – inside and outside. That’s when you want to have a better suspension and air wheel to avoid unnecessary vibrations and increase your riding comfort – Workers using the scooters might be riding them for the whole day so a rocky ride is going to take a toll on them.

Powerwise escooters for factories don’t need to be that powerful as long as they can easily carry an adult. Unless the use case requires the escooter to be attached to the carriage or you wish to use it to move around heavy equipment.

Upgrade your Warehouse – Contact Langfeite

If you are interested in getting a whole fleet of escooters for your warehouse contact Langfeite. We have a whole selection of escooters that you can choose or we can build you a completely customized scooter according to your needs!


Langfeite Products for Micro-mobility

Langfeite Products for Micro-mobility

Langfeite offers much more than just our flagship C1 electric scooters. We literally have a wall of products in our office from kids scooters, entry-level electric scooters to the premium level. To top it off we have also made mobility scooters.

Our Products are also not always branded under Langfeite but we also manufacture many specialized and our own products as OEM.

“We provide our clients with customized services for all specifications of e-scooters, including frame (color & logo), motor, battery, tires, etc. Our professional engineers will help you create the ideal final product for your esteemed brand.”

Depending on your needs you can contact Langfeite and tell us what do you require. Our engineers and designers are happy to work with you in building your own electric scooters or a whole fleet.  

You can read more about OEM, After Sales, and Marketing services on the Services page. Our B2B solutions don’t end in just designing and manufacturing but also range from marketing material creation all the way to full e-commerce and business strategy planning.

As an example, you can see the material presented on these pages. We can help you to organize unboxing videos and on-location material. Even Shopify Web design and Influencer marketing.

Langfeite supports you all the way from your idea to after-sales. So contact us today and let’s work together!


e-Mobility evolving US Cities

e-Mobility evolving USA Cities

What’s the topic that Colorado springs, New York and Chicago shared this week? We’ll escooters of course.

People have already embraced escooters as a great way of transport that’s convenient, easy to learn, and yes, also safe when done right. We are still in the early phases of the escooter boom, as people started to use them a lot more starting from the pandemic as they wanted to avoid using crowded metros. Now many people are saying that they want to keep on using escooters instead of metros – and we can easily understand them. It’s not only that you avoid the metro but the fact that riding scooters in fresh air is fun. Who wouldn’t want to start their morning and commute to the office by riding a great scooter? This has put on some pressure for the cities to evolve. Let’s take a look what are the latest developments in USA lately.

New Yorkers love their escooters!

New Yorkers have embraced escooters

New yorks ridesharing program which startin in August has already surpassed more than 175 000 rides and that’s just one program. Total rides oIver the country are easily counted in tens of millions as some estimates are that already in 2019 the rides totaled 100M nationwide.

Even though people love the scooters they have brought change to the city streets as the traditional bikelanes / if there is any are not designed for the increase and changes in the traffic as it’s not only escooters that have arrived but also ebikes, electric skateboards and unicycles aswell.

Cities has also seen increased reports about accidents related to e-mobility but when researched many of these issues seem to be about riders not following the rules already set up for traffic such as stopping at red lights and giving way to pedestrians. This has lead to age restrictions for riders.

Still, these issues can be seen as fixable and cities like New York are up to the task as the benefits of electric scooters are clear and the issues we are having now can be seen as growing pains as the citizens and the city itself is adapting to new technology, as we mentioned in an earlier blog automobiles had to go through the same path and eventually changed the whole city infrastructure to suit them.

C1 is presenting the premium range of e- scooters from Langfeite

Other benefits of escooters are that as they are nice, quiet and take much less space than cars they can also support the growing movement in city planning where more and more streets are blocked from cars and returned to pedestrians. A mix of e-mobility and walking boulevards will have several health benefits too.

eScooters return to Chigago

eScooters are returning to the Windy City

After last years failed pilot program the City Council has voted to give green light to the escooter ridesharing programs. 

The ridesharing scooters return with some interesting new developments as they Chigago wishes to limit the areas they can be used. The new shared scooters will be equipped with gps and horns that will start to beep and warn surroundings if the scooters are ridden where they are not allowed.

The scooters must also be locked in designated areas such as bicycle parks and poles reserved for them in an effort to stop people leaving them around. Similar system is in place also in China where bicycle ridesharing started and the apps show exactly the places where the bikes are allowed to be parked after use – otherwise the ridesharing company will charge the last user who left the bike in wrong place to move the bike. This method has proven to be effective.

Colorado Springs is also starting it’s program allowing two new operators to start a program in the city. The city hopes the escooters will reduce car traffic, free parking space and provide people with flexible and affordable way of transport. The pilot will last for 1-year.

From people’s perspective these pilots usually result in a growing userbase for escooter that leads to people wanting to buy their own escooters as they are much more convenient for regular riders – for work commute one can’t take a change that there’s no rental scooter available or if you go shopping with a scooter and come outside just to find out that someone had already rented the scooter that you came with.


What are the benefits of e-scooter sharing?

What are the benefits of e-scooter sharing?

There is no doubt that e-scooters in recent years have grasped the attention of both customers and investors. Compared with the previous generation, E-scooters ‘ capabilities and performance are steadily improving while the cost of production and maintenance have been decreasing due to technological innovation. Likewise, given its viral popularity among the customers especially the TikTok generation, return on investment in the long term is also increasing. More and more investors are giving adequate attention to the e-scooter industry.

But, E-scooter’s future lies not just in its capabilities but also in the business model. Following the massive success of the bike-sharing model in China, entrepreneurs and policymakers are already formulating and implementing e-scooters sharing systems respectively.

A great advantage of e-scooter sharing is that it helps introduce e-scooters to the customers. After all, the life cycle of the e-scooter industry is relatively young such that the scooter hasn’t yet been normalized as the regular vehicle, in contrast with bicycles, motorcycles, and cars.

Secondly, it helps bring down the manufacturing cost and encourages technological innovation of e-scooters. When the manufacturers receive more cash inflows and also a large number of feedback from customers, they are able to optimize their production line and improve their product in order to increase the marginal utility of manufacturing and maintaining of e-scooters. As a result of that, it will on the other hand encourage more purchases on private e-scooters.

Last but not the least, e-scooter sharing has the potential to build an integrated green ecological platform by merging with the current bicycle-sharing one. Together, they can help aid in reducing automobile use and gas emission as well as increasing mobility. E-scooters can provide extended coverage of urban residents’ mobility given the limitation of bicycles and automobiles. E-scooters can play an even bigger role in helping to reach the carbon emission goal.

Langfeite’s Position

Among the global manufacturers in the e-scooter industry, Langfeite is a major and leading company. It was founded in 2015 in Shanghai and has accumulated extensive experience and gained expertise. From producing the first prototype of e-scooters to manufacturing fully upgraded new versions on a large scale, Langfeite has been a pioneer in the transformation of urban mobility solutions that combine efficiency, convenience, speed, and safety. Specifically, Langfeite has two factories. One of which is located in Zhejiang, China, another in Shanghai. Both of them are over 3,000 square meters. Because of the great industrial capabilities, Langfeite has achieved an annual output value of $50 a year with the capacity of 100,000 e-scooters per year and 100 patents in hand.

Join Us!

With the great potential to be explored in the e-scooter market, Langfeite is looking to partner and work with more global distributors to supply high-quality products.


Micro-mobility and Cities

Micro-mobility and Cities

These days all the buzz is on Micro mobility, those escooter and bike-sharing companies have taken the world by storm. For example, in Europe, most countries already have at least 2 different operators in big cities. Major capitals of the world are thus facing the change first and the next step is to advance to other cities.

Sifted recently made a story about the hotspots of ridesharing and escooters in Europe and talked about how the regulations have come a long way. It was a similar story when a big disruptor entered our cities for the first time – those were the automobiles.

The expectation is that micro-mobility especially scooters will go through the same path of adaptation that cars had back in the day. First getting a buzz and appearing on our roads but because of nonexistent regulations, there are accidents. It was actually the accidents caused by cars that led to the building of zebra crossings and controlled pedestrian traffic. 

Before any regulations, people could just walk to the other side of the road anywhere. Can you even imagine that anymore? There were people pushings carts, hawkers selling their food and the most dangerous things you could face were horse-driven caravans that didn’t really go so fast and had a build-in horse-powered intelligence and autopilot!

The general public started to object to cars at first which lead the auto industry to push on radical changes to the traffic rules which lead to the cities we have today.

Perhaps and hopefully we will see similar development with micro-mobility because we and the planet absolutely need a greener way of transport that they provide. Many countries have already taken steps in regulating the speed of the escooters and enforcing age limits on the riders. For example, in Finland, the speed of escooters was lowered from 25 to 15 km/h. 

It’s interesting to consider what kind of rules we will have finally as many of the rules are built around the cheapish version of escooters that the ride-sharing companies usually utilize. As many of the escooter hobbyists know you can ride escooters comfortably even at 100 km/h as long as they are properly built for it. 

London traffic is getting ready for eScooters

Other developments while the technology matures and becomes more readily available and cost-efficient we are sure to see changes to the current regulations. Some cities like London are currently taking their first steps in a very careful manner by running limited trials for escooters and according to the TfL scheme in London already over 165,000 trips were made in London in the past 4 months. Clearly, the results already show the potential of escooters as a popular transport method there as people are learning the advantages of the transport method.

We believe that the cities will continue to have two ecosystems of micro-mobility in place and once the early adaptation is over and proper regulations are in place people will continue to rideshare and own their own electric scooters too.

Be it for dealers or for scooter rental companies and their fleets Langfeite can provide excellent electric scooters for all kinds of use cases. Ridesharing in the cities, Thrill seekers and high-performance off-roading electric scooters, city commuting, or Travel agencies needing fleets to let people go sightseeing. There are so many use cases for this convenient method of transport.

Contact us today and work with us to find your success in the Micro-Mobility market!