
Langfeite Electric Scooter is looking for dealers in the United Kingdom

Langfeite Electric Scooter is looking for dealers in the United Kingdom

Get your dealership stocked with Langfeite scooters customized to your needs.

Summer of scooters is here and perhaps nowhere else is the market going to get so hot as it’s about to get in the UK.

In a previous blog, we shared the news how in Queens’s speech this spring 2022 it was announced that the private scooters are going to be made legal in the UK. For the exact requirements that new laws are going to set we are still unsure but most likely the speed limit is going to be 15.5 mph which is the same as for the shared scooters.

For other safety features like lights and breaks, Langfeite is ready to make UK customized designs if required. Most likely our scooters already fit the requirements but in any case, our team of experienced designers is ready for the task if the need comes.

Now you might think about what scooters Langfeite would offer for the UK market as the top speeds are already higher than allowed in our C1, C2, and C3 scooters. Well, you might be surprised that things like speed limits are easy to implement using software/digital limiters which is already a common way to limit the speed of mopeds and some other vehicles.

Now, if the way to set limits is going to be similar to it is for electric bicycles the common public bike limit in Europe has been 250W for road use. In this case, the scooters can naturally be fitted with smaller motors but in any case, this is a hardware change.

Different hardware is still rather simple to implement as electric scooter motors are normally part of the wheels. So in practice replace the wheels/motor in one go and reconfigure the controller to match the new motor, choose the matching battery.

For the Road choose C2 Electric Scooter

For the expected new use cases in the UK, we highly recommend the Langfeite C2 which is built for road use. Road tires, slim lines, compact and easy to configure to match requirements make it an ideal choice for dealers who want to offer a highly competitive product for their customers. Read more about the C2 here.





C3 8”

C3 10”

Max Range

60 Km

45 Km

45 Km

60 Km






Top Speed

78 km/h

40 km/h

40 km/h

55 km/h







Ultra Powerful Electric Scooter. For commuting, off-roading, and the thrills of riding

Stylish and High-Performance Urban Commuter Electric Scooter

Ultra-Compact. Excellent Range. Dual Motor Performance

Ultra-Long Range, High Performance

For E-Scooter OEM/Resellers/Dealers

Langfeite offers its OEM electric scooters around the world, not just in the UK. So no matter where you are please contact us today with your, your markets, and your customers’ needs and we’ll give you the best solutions and products to archive your goals!


Dealerships, E-Scooter laws, and market needs

Dealerships, E-Scooter laws, and market needs.

Dealerships, E-Scooter laws, and market needs.

Dealerships want to match the demands of their riders and find the right models to set on their shelves. There are also different regulations around the world that basically divided scooters into two categories: street legal and others.

Now if you are catering to off-roaders and thrill-seekers the choice is relatively simple. Fast off-roaders which excellent suspension like C1 are a great choice for dealers aiming to please this market in most cases as the fast escooters are often built with off-roading in mind as those conditions are the easiest to access for most.

Kind of a niche category is the ultra-fast road scooters that go over 40 mph easily. Those rockets are built similarly to motorbikes and are meant for tracks in most parts of the world. If you are lucky enough to get to ride those on public highways and roads then you have won the lottery.

C2 by default hits the top speed of 40 km/h (25 mph)

For most people in the big wave, the choice is going to be one of the street-legal ones as most people use them for commuting and adventures in cities and suburban areas. Depending on where in the world you are lights, helmets, age etc. set conditions but the biggest divider is the top speed and they vary quite a lot.

E-Scooter street-legal top speeds around the world

  • In the European union top speed for street legal is 20 km/h (12.5 mph)
  • the UK to be 25 km/h (15.5 mph)
  • USA depending on state from 15 mph up to 35 mph (25-55 km/h)
  • Argentina 25 km/h (15 mph)
  • Seoul, South Korea 18 km/h (11 mph) on “safe driving time” between 11 p.m. and 5 a.m.
  • Australia 25 km/h (15 mph)

So basically in most places of the world, you are looking at the entry-level escooters with single motors with current regulations. These figures were collected from available information at the time of writing and some regulations might have already changed.

The current trend is actually towards increasing the speed as for example the UK increased the top speed. As such it might be showing the way for increasing the speed for other European countries.

Large city areas are interesting as places like Seoul have set so-called safe driving hours when the streets are quiet. Perhaps for huge metropolises like it setting different speeds according to the time of day is the way to go. Rush hour speeds can be lower and in the evening you get to go faster. This of course is harder to execute than just limiting the top speed of the actual scooters.

Be it any market in the world Langfeite manufactures all kinds of escooters according to regulations or just hugely fun off-roaders. Contact us today and let’s get your dealership stocked.


OEM E-Scooters for all kinds of needs from Langfeite

OEM E-Scooters for all kinds of needs from Langfeite

OEM E-Scooters for all kinds of needs from Langfeite

First of all Congratulations to the United Kingdom. They just had the Queen’s speech and as we talked about last week the new plans for legalizing private escooters on public roads were officially announced. With a focus on speed and safety features like lights, there are sure to be more street legal scooters on the roads once the new laws go into effect.


Whatever the exact requirements will be Langfeite is up for the task. Langfeite makes and designs escooters for all kinds of OEM needs. From now popular ultralights to super fast high performance scooters.

Our offering is not limited to the C-series scooters that you can see on our webpage but we also manufacture all kinds of scooters according to your needs or your own plans so if you want to source from a reliable partner in China with lots of experience and solid track record.

We deliver all over the world so if you are a dealer in the UK excited about soon to hit sales boom contact us and we’ll help you to get ready for it!

For other markets, the peak season is already here, be it for public roads or off-roading end of the march was where the escooter trend started to really take off and it’s getting higher day by day. Getting stocked in time for the season depending on your location can still be possible for the northern hemisphere and worldwide the trend starts to go down after September reaching the bottom in December. If you are interested in how your own market does check out Google Trends.

Escooter trend worldwide

Contact Langfeite Today

OEM Scooters made by Langfeite are already found in the Americas, Asia, Oceania, Europe, and all over the world so working with us is easy so get ready and contact us today!


The UK making moves to legalize private e-scooters.

Langfeite C2 electric scooter is here!

The UK making moves to legalize private e-scooters.

Private E-Scooters are about to hit the streets of London

So far in the UK, the public has only been officially allowed to use shared electric scooters. People who own their own private escooters have been restricted to using them only on private lands and not in public at all but in reality, people have been breaking this rule quite often.

Now the cabinet and public are pondering is there any point to this rule as people brake it and making a distinction between shared and privately owned ones doesn’t really make any sense: if it’s the same scooter with the same specs it should be treated the same.

As followers of this blog might know the UK also has had escooters available for the public in the forms of shared fleets for a long time now and people have really taken a liking to them as they are especially convenient in huge cities like London where the government has introduced congestion and other limitations in a fight for a cleaner environment. In Bloomberg’s article, the committee had recognized that escooters are a “convenient, cheap and environmentally-friendly form of transport”

Thus it seems that the regulators are now waking up to the situation where they already are, people want and already use escooters so it is time to legalize it. Naturally, the legislators also take note that making an official law about scooters makes it possible to regulate them in a proper way. The speed limit is likely to stay the same at around 15.5mph. Riding would be possible on the road and not on pedestrian ways which have been discussed in an excellent column: The electric scooter ban doesn’t make sense | The Spectator.

What does it mean for the industry?

So all in all the direction of escooter has been set and step by step the regulation is coming to match the needs of the public. For the industry, manufacturers and dealers will most likely mean that in the UK and other countries where the regulations and legal status of escooters have been set the sales are more than likely to increase.

As people get the confirmation that they can legally use their own escooters and don’t need to rely on the shared ones the worries of buying a scooter and then getting fined or having the escooter confiscated are gone.

There is quite possible a group of shared scooter users who have been on the edge or on the lookout for more premium rides than what the shared ones have to offer just waiting to buy their own. Once the law is in effect this group can cause a peak in demand that’s likely last for the summer – especially as the legislators are discussing that the new rules might come to effect already this May which is the start of the peak sales and riding season for escooters.

E-Scooter Dealers in the UK, work with Langfeite

Get ready for the escooter boom in the UK and contact Langfeite today, we provide OEM, design, and manufacturing services to dealers in the UK and all around the world!