
Electric Scooters to replace bikes in cities?

Electric Scooters to replace bikes in cities?

Cycling Industry recently did an interview that brought out an interesting point currently happening in our cities that haven’t implemented proper electric scooter laws and guidelines. Shops sometimes away disappoint people who can’t buy an escooter because of the regulations or the lack of them.

But why people aren’t turning to bicycles if they wish to switch to an environmentally and more fun way of commuting? Well, it’s an unfortunate side of city living – theft. Most people have had it happen to them or at least they know people who have suffered from bike theft no matter how well they are locked or even if they are stored in locked but shared bike garages that you find in many modern apartments and offices buildings. Some people opt to take the bike with them into their apartments but this normally means that you need to carry the bike or try to fit in an elevator which often isn’t possible especially if you live in one of those charming old buildings with small and narrow elevators. Once you do get your bike up it takes space in your apartment and can be in the way.

Finding a place to park your bike safely is even worse once you get to work. Public bike parking areas are often riddled with theft and bringing your bike to a crammed work elevator and the office isn’t exactly appealing.

Langfeite C2 and C3 are excellent models for both city and suburb commuting.

These are the reason why people are turning their heads to electric scooters as they have a similar nice riding experience and they are easy to bring with you in the elevator and fold away even at the workplace where you can often even charge it.

The only thing standing in the way for some cities, especially in Europe are unclear regulations but those are finally developing as more pilot programs get completed and regulators have collected enough data about the usage of scooters.

We are sure that the cities especially big ones like London will pay special attention to this method of commute as they and many others have air quality and congestion targets they want to meet.

So as they say, the demand is there so the market will answer. Do you want to be in the frontline of the electric scooter revolution? If so, don’t hesitate and contact Langfeite today!