
Electric Scooter Charging Stations and Removable Batteries

Langfeite C1 features swappable battery
Langfeite C1 features a swappable battery

In recent years there has been a lot of discussions about battery charging networks for electric cars but they haven’t taken over the world that easily. The reason mostly being about the cost of such things as electric cars require a very powerful electricity output to charge at reasonably high speed which isn’t that fast anyway compared to just filling your tank with gas.

Another option to charging is using swappable batteries, but for cars, this option hasn’t really taken off at all due to most cars having their own model of batteries that don’t fit the others. 

Thankfully both of these options are possible for micro-mobility vehicles like escooter and bikes. Charging from a normal plug at the office is easy enough and it doesn’t stress the existing electricity infrastructure.

Charging from a plug still takes some time though, which is the reason why some companies are focusing on the battery swapping option to make riding scooters for longer periods more convenient. In Asia, some places like India are planning or have already set up battery swap stations all around the city where riders can quickly just pull out the battery from the scooter, set it to the station to charge for the next user while they themselves can take another already charged battery for themselves.

This means that the batteries are being swapped by users and charged by the battery station so there is no need for a nightly roundup of scooters like scooter-sharing companies do – In most cases they have to rent out a warehouse, have a truck, and grew to collect the scooters at night, charge them at the warehouse and again have a truck grew to spread them around the city. This process is inefficient and expensive.

Future solution

Due to the above-mentioned reasons, we feel that dedicated charging stations are going to take over cities and other locations where there are enough users and perhaps already existing shared scooter networks. In time shared scooter companies can benefit from the charging stations as well since that would rid them at least from the cost of renting warehouses for charging.

Langfeite C1 Batteries are easy and quick to swap by hand
Langfeite C1 Batteries are easy and quick to swap by hand

Langfeite Scooters with Swappable batteries

Langfeite already has a model with an easily swappable battery which is a C1 electric scooter. The battery can be easily removed by just opening up the deck and lifting the battery by hand. The technology is here and if you are interested in building your own fleet of scooters and battery charging stations contact us! We don’t only offer ready-made models but we can work with you to design and manufacture your own vision of perfect electric scooters.