
Rising energy prices are accelerating the move to EVs

The new energy crisis with coal and oil has led to the situation where also oil prices keep on getting higher.  Now consumers are starting to look at electric scooters and micro-mobility as a viable alternative because of economical reasons too.

Citizens of two wheel dominated cities compelled to buy electric scooters, bikes and mopeds.

Recently in India – as Bloomberg reports – millions of millions of two-wheeled transportation users are feeling the sting on the price of gasoline that’s powering up their motorbikes. Recent price hikes have led to a situation where a 100km trip would cost just 1/5th of an electricity-powered scooter than on a traditional gas-powered one. Naturally, this makes people think twice when they are planning to buy new transportation for themselves. 

Considering the recently ending climate conference in Glasgow and the targets that countries set to themselves it seems that these rising energy prices might come with a silver lining. To reach the targets people need to start switching the greener methods of transportation quicker and one of the traditional methods to make this happen has been tax deductions and other benefits offered. Now the high usage prices of gas-powered vehicles will motivate people to choose an electric one. As people start to use and demand electric vehicles more one of the last hurdles of e-mobility – charging networks – will start to develop more rapidly as well.

As people have more places to charge their EVs even longer trips become viable, be it car, moped, or electric scooter. Those kilometers made with electricity instead of gas also mean less pollution. This translates to large savings in carbon emission but also into greener cities.

Large metropolises of the world have always suffered from bad air quality due to the heavy traffic. In countries like India, most of the travel is done using a motorbike which contributes to the air quality issue that many of its beautiful cities suffer from. Many western cities can also benefit and think about their transportation strategy again as well. Cities like London where they have introduced a congestion charge on cars can rethink what kind of vehicles they let enter at all and what kind of transport they want to steer the public to adopt.

The right time to ride the wave

C1 is presenting the premium range of e- scooters from Langfeite

Truly it seems that the path to the new era of greener transport is getting more and more clear by the combination of public acceptance, demand, cost, environment, and convenience. The e-train is speeding up and now it’s the time to catch the wave.

If you are interested in getting to “ride’ the wave with your own escooter fleet or want to help people by giving access to convenient and green travel then please don’t hesitate to contact Langfeite. Our products offer premium quality and our services include marketing, sales, and logistics support.

Don’t hesitate and contact Langfeite today!