
How are eScooters used by Owners and Renters?

As more and more cities are launching electric scooter pilots at the same time more people have chosen to get their own usually better quality scooters too but how does owning an escooter change the way people use their scooters?

Recent studies in Europe and USA have a surprising answer

According to this recent study done in Vienna the first and natural finding is that people who own their electric scooters use them much more often than those who use shared escooters.

The use cases themselves can be more surprising. Many people assume that electric scooters are for commuting to work and some short errands but actually according to the Viennese study a big part of use cases is for just leisure / Joy-rides. This is supported by an American study made by Electrek that found out that the purposes of electric scooter riders are:

  • 34.3% Joy Riding
  • 23.4% Running errands
  • 19.4% Commuting
  • 12.6% Visiting Someone
  • 8.6% Work/Break Lunch
  • 1.7% Other

Basically looking at the top 2 use cases people see it as a fun transport that’s great to take out for some joyriding and to pop off to go shopping and running other errands with. This study was even done by interviewing people who use the shared scooters so the ratios can be expected to be even higher for joyriders when you survey people who own their scooters.

In the Viennese study, it was found that more than 80% of Shared escooter users surveyed seldom or never would have taken trips with an escooter that they would have not otherwise taken. For the Owners, this number was just a bit over 50%.

Actually the share of owners who answered “often” was around 18% this and “always or often” was only about 8% for Shared scooter renters.

Other areas surveyed were “Leisure”, “Shopping/Errands” and “work/education”. In all cases, people who owned their scooters vs shared ones used their scooter to replace foot, bike, bus, tramway, subway, and car transport much more often. You can see the exact results from here.

The Results are in.

It’s hence pretty clear that owning your own escooter translates to using it more, and there’s no need to base your decision to get your own just on the “it’s great for commute” point which is true but you can be honest and just plain say they are FUN!

The future of escooters looks bright! Get your dealership stocked or let us help to build your own fleet. Contact Langfeite today!